About the Austrian Pine : Pinus nigraThe Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra, is a densely branched tree producing long dark needles. This evergreen conifer tree thrives in urban locations as well as in windbreaks in more rural settings. It does well in a variety of soils and is very hardy. The spreading branches of a young tree form a pyramidal outline, but at maturity, it sometimes achieves a picturesque flat topped head.
This fast growing pine tree makes an attractive Christmas tree when sheared. It will tolerate both limestone or acidic soils, dry rocky locations and windy conditions. Grows in Zones 3 to 8. Also good for thick screens or windbreaks. For screen, space 6 feet apart. When placed in a good site it should reach 5 ft. in height in 6-7 years starting with a 2 year old seedling. |