American ArborvitaeScientific Name: "Thuja occidentalis, 'American'" Zone: '3 - 8' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The American Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis, is a conifer evergreen tree that is widely used as an accent tree or as a privacy hedge tree. American A... more |  Austrian Pine
Scientific Name: Pinus nigra Zone: '3 - 8' Sun: Full Sun "The Austrian Pine, Pinus nigra, is a densely branched tree producing long dark needles. This evergreen conifer tree thrives in urban locations as wel... more |  Bald Cypress
Scientific Name: Taxodium distichum Zone: '4 - 10' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Bald Cypress, Taxodium distichum, is a lofty, deciduous conifer of slender, pyramidal habit. A stately tree, for parks, yards. Landscapers and la... more |
 Black Hills SpruceScientific Name: Picea glauca Zone: '2 - 6' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Black Hills Spruce, Picea Glauca Var. densata, is noted for its dark green foliage and conical form. Black Hills Spruce trees are very dense and ... more |  Canadian HemlockScientific Name: Tsuga canadensis Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Full Shade "The Canadian Hemlock tree, Tsuga canadensis, is also called Eastern Hemlock or Hemlock spruce. This evergreen conifer is a fast-growing long-lived tr... more |  Colorado Blue SpruceScientific Name: Picea pungens Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Colorado Blue Spruce tree, Picea Pungens, is a pyramidal shaped evergreen with steel blue foliage. It prefers heavier soils, full sun, and clean ... more |
 Concolor FirScientific Name: Abies concolor Zone: '4 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Concolor Fir tree, Abies concolor, is also known as white fir, concolor fir, silver fir, Rocky Mountain white fir, Colorado Fir, Lows Fir, Pacifi... more |  Douglas FirScientific Name: Pseudotsuga menziessi glauca Zone: '3 - 6' Sun: Full Sun "The Douglas Fir tree, Pseudotsuga menziessi glauca, is a splendid pyramidal evergreen. It has many common names such as, Interior fir, Rocky Mountain... more |  Eastern Red CedarScientific Name: Juniperus virginiana Zone: '3 - 9' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Eastern Red Cedar, Juniperus Virginiana, is a small to medium-sized aromatic evergreen tree. Typically, the trunk is straight and the tree has a ... more |
 Eastern White PineScientific Name: Pinus strobus Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Eastern White Pine, Pinus Strobus, is a beautiful landscape pine widely used throughout much of North America. This evergreen conifer tree is a t... more |  Fraser FirScientific Name: Abies fraseri Zone: '4 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Fraser Fir, Abies Fraseri, is a classy, tall, fir tree that has short dark-green needles with silver undersides. It is among the most classy of c... more |  Globe ArborvitaeScientific Name: "Thuja occidentalis, 'Globe'" Zone: '3 - 8' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Pygmy Globe, Thuja occidentalsis, is a globe shaped dwarf arborvitae tree. These Arborvitae trees have bright green foliage. This slow compact gr... more |
 Green Giant ArborvitaeScientific Name: Thuja plicata 'Green Giant' Zone: '4 - 8' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Arborvitae Green Giant, 'Thuja plicata 'Green Giant', is a giant arborvitae that has bright green, fern-like foliage. This plant is very adaptabl... more |  Loblolly PineScientific Name: Pinus taeda Zone: '6 - 9' Sun: Full Sun "The Loblolly Pine tree, Pinus taeda, is a fast-growing member of the yellow pine group. It is also called yellow pine, North Carolina pine, and oldfi... more |  Magnolia x AnnScientific Name: Magnolia x Anne Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Ann Magnolia tree, Magnolia x Ann, is a member of the 'Little Girl' series of Magnolias that are the result of a cross originally made at the U.S... more |
 Magnolia x JaneScientific Name: Magnolia x Jane Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Jane Magnolia tree, Magnolia x Jane, is a rounded, shrubby plant producing flowers in late spring that resemble slender tulips. The blooms are re... more |  Mugho PineScientific Name: Pinus mugo mughus Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Mugho Pine tree, Pinus mugo mughus, may also be called the dwarf mountain pine. This evergreen little dwarf conifer has branching, upright stems ... more |  Norway SpruceScientific Name: Picea abies Zone: '2 - 7' Sun: Full Sun "The Norway Spruce tree, Picea Abies, is a fast growing tree that can grow to 150 ft. Norway Spruce trees, placed on a good site, should reach 5 ft. i... more |
 Ponderosa PineScientific Name: Pinus ponderosa Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun "The Ponderosa Pine, Pinus Ponderosa, will grow on most soils including very sandy soils and sites with very little topsoil. Once established, it is v... more |  Pyramidalis ArborvitaeScientific Name: "Thuja occidentalis, 'Pyramidalis'" Zone: '3 - 8' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Pyramidalis arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis, is a tall, slender and compact grower. This evergreen conifer tree is ideal for entrance or corner pl... more |  Scotch PineScientific Name: Pinus sylvestris Zone: '3 - 7' Sun: Full Sun "The Scotch Pine tree, Pinus Sylvestris, is a conifer that is a native of Europe and is widely used as a Christmas Tree. It is a fast growing, irregul... more |
|  Techny ArborvitaeScientific Name: "Thuja occidentalis, 'Techny'" Zone: '3 - 8' Sun: Full Sun - Partial Sun "The Techny Arborvitae, Thuja occidentalis, is a fast growing Arborvitae tree that grows well in full sun or light shade. Techny arborvitae trees are ... more | |